Inspire Lewisham

Inspire Lewisham will help Lewisham residents to develop skills and find employment in the creative industries. We also want to identify the skills gaps within businesses, work with them to provide new short and long-term job opportunities and support business growth.
Are you 16+, living in Lewisham, interested in a career in the creative industries and currently not working or studying?
Inspire Lewisham is looking to support Lewisham residents who are over the age of 16 and economically inactive, to develop skills and find employment in the creative industries sector.
Through our partners you can access basic skills training, industry-specific training, paid work experience and job opportunities.
Is your business in the creative sector or looking for creative skills in your team and looking to enhance your workforce by training and building extra capacity?
Inspire Lewisham will be working closely with employers to design and offer short term paid placements and longer-term jobs in the creative industries.
If you are working in the creative industries sector or you need creative skills in your company, we want to hear from you.
Please take the time to complete our survey (link below), this will help us design workshops and training to meet the requirements of your business.